Wandering the Desert

When The Way leads you into the Desert

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Location: Norman, Oklahoma

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Leaving Church: A Memoir of Faith - Barbara Brown Taylor

A very good autobiography from a long-time PECUSA priest. She writes at length about her own faith journey from the beginning through ordination, life as a priest, and life as a former priest. It is an easy read, and while quite enjoyable, goes long on her pre-leaving, and only a chapter or two on post-leaving. She didn't even really leave, only transitions to a non-parochial status - she never renounced her orders.

Taylor writes as a seasoned wanderer, imparting a great deal of wisdom from a traditional Episcopal viewpoint. I haven't read anything else from her, but look forward to her next book. Might even pick up one of her prior ones. Nothing terribly new, but all in all, very well presented. It is her next book that I really look forward to.

ISBN: 0060771747

Monday, July 17, 2006

The Real Value of the Bible

I just love the Bible. The stories of the Old and New Testament, I love them all.

I can imagine myself a spectator there in the Garden of Eden, watching Adam and Eve trying to answer God's questions. It's a good thing He's not asking me those questions.

I can read the acounts of Moses and the burning bush and his own fourty long years trekking through the desert, all from the air-conditioned comfort of a modern sancuary.

I can reflect a moment on the sermon on the mount while sitting in a polished wooden pew, as opposed to those first listerners who sat on the rock-strewn hillside of Galilee.

In complete safety and comfort, I can read all the stories of the Bible... yea, right!!!

Is it heresy to imagine that the only value in the Bible is it's ability to inspire us to move out of our safety and comfort, to experience first-hand the Spirit of God, the Ruach, moving through creation, that we might reflect the Word in the world ?

Put down that book! Our God is a living God, and He is alive in the World right now, not trapped between dusty pages!!! That would be almost as funny as thinking we could put God in some gold-plated box... oops, we did that one already.

Matthew 27:51 "At that moment the spine of the Bible was torn in two from top to bottom. Wall Street shook and the Internet went down." (Slightly Altered Version)

An Unexpected Encounter

In my recent desert wanderings, I was quite surprised to meet a man wearing the finest of robes. I don't know if I ventured too far out of the desert, or he too near, but our paths did cross, and it was a time of joy. He was not a stranger to me, for we had met many times before, and even had a discussion or two over the course of the years.

He was not a wanderer himself as of yet, but I could see well enough that his own time would soon be upon him. Even the finest prince may one day put down his scepter and take up a walking stick. Perhaps we will meet next time as fellow wanderers.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

When does a vessel sink ?

Not that there are many oceans in the middle of the desert, but I understand that there has arisen some discrepancy on a matter dealing with oceans and vessels and the sinking of the latter upon the former. Often the act of sinking happens quite quickly, at other times, the whole process can take years.

  • When does a vessel sink ?
  • When has a vessel sunk ?

Consider the Titanic as an example. When the ship hit the iceberg, a huge tear in the plating erupted. Was it sunk at that point ? When the vesel rolled over, though still at the surface, was it sunk then ? When it was nose down, half-way under, was it sunk then ? When it was completely covered by the waves, settling towards the bottom of the sea, was it sunk then ? Or was it sunk only when it came to rest at the bottom of the ocean ? Some might say that it was sunk when it left port.

  • Consider one persons spiritual path...

  • Consider the life of a parish...

  • Consider also the national church.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Words from Bobby the Prophet

On the occasion of the conclusion of General Convention, I am reminded of the words of Bobby, the Prophet, who wrote:

You walk into the room with your pencil in your hand
You see somebody naked and you say, "Who is that man?"
You try so hard but you don't understand
Just what you'll say when you get home

Because something is happening here
But you don't know what it is
Do you, Mister Jones?

You raise up your head and you ask, "Is this where it is?"
And somebody points to you and says "It's his"
And you say, "What's mine?" and somebody else says, "Where what is?"
And you say, "Oh my God am I here all alone?"

Because something is happening here
But you don't know what it is
Do you, Mister Jones?

You hand in your ticket and you go watch the geek
Who immediately walks up to you when he hears you speak
And says, "How does it feel to be such a freak?"
And you say, "Impossible" as he hands you a bone

Because something is happening here
But you don't know what it is
Do you, Mister Jones?

You have many contacts among the lumberjacks
To get you facts when someone attacks your imagination
But nobody has any respect anyway they already expect you
To just give a check to tax-deductible charity organizations

You've been with the professors and they've all liked your looks
With great lawyers you have discussed lepers and crooks
You've been through all of F. Scott Fitzgerald's books
You're very well read it's well known

Because something is happening here
But you don't know what it is
Do you, Mister Jones?

Well, the sword swallower, he comes up to you and then he kneels
He crosses himself and then he clicks his high heels
And without further notice he asks you how it feels
And he says, "Here is your throat back thanks for the loan"

Because something is happening here
But you don't know what it is
Do you, Mister Jones?

Now you see this one-eyed midget shouting the word "NOW"
And you say, "For what reason?" and he says, "How?"
And you say, "What does this mean?" and he screams back, "You're a cow
Give me some milk or else go home"

Because something is happening here
But you don't know what it is
Do you, Mister Jones?

Well, you walk into the room like a camel and then you frown
You put your eyes in your pocket and your nose on the ground
There ought to be a law against you comin' around
You should be made to wear earphones

Because something is happening here
But you don't know what it is
Do you, Mister Jones?

--Bobby, 1965