Wandering the Desert

When The Way leads you into the Desert

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Location: Norman, Oklahoma

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

There Is No Road

Caminante, no hay camino, se hace camino al andar.
Traveller, there is no road, the way is made by walking.
-Antonio Machado

Quite a different philosophy that what is currently being passed out. Today, we would be led to believe that there is not just a road (or multiple roads for the ecumenical minded out there :-) but that the road is straight and wide, well paved and maintained, with center stripes, wide shoulders, large reflective signs and those little blue telephone boxes every mile or so.

Oh, not so. At best, we can occasionally see the footsteps of those who have gone before us. More often, the winds of sand and time have erased them entirely, blowing huge dunes as far as the eyes can see. Yet, even in the desert, there are occasional oasis - a quick drink and a brief respite from wandering. Best of all, there are an uncounted number of other travellers who are also wandering this same desert.


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